revocable-living-trustsWe offer comprehensive legal strategies for Estate Planning include a cost-effective package that includes a Living Trust, a Pour-Over Will, Powers of Attorney, and Healthcare Directive, Assignment of Personal Property, Grant Deed transfer of real property into the Trust.

Our Revocable Living Trusts makes sure that your final wishes are legally documented. Call for a phone consultation: (818) 241-4238

Estate Planning Trust Attorney, Joseph McHugh has 30 years of experience in helping family “get their affairs in order”, which includes setting up a basic family Revocable Living Trusts. You never know when a tragedy might happen, and it is important to protect your wishes and legal directions for what you will want to happen to your body (health directives) and who will control your assets if you lose mental capacity or if you pass away.

If you do not want a California Probate Judge to make decisions about your health or assets for you through a Conservatorship or Probate court process!

Do you want peace of mind to know what will happen to your assets when you are gone? If so, a properly planned Living Trust package will privately protect your wishes insuring that your assets will be distributed to the people, pets or charities you want with as little cost and time delay as possible.

Our Revocable Living Trust package of documents keep your personal information “private” by avoiding court-controlled Probate or Conservatorship cases (which are all then available in Public Records online).

NOTE: In cases where there are no estate documents (described above), the Probate Court Judge can decide and can appoint agents for financial and healthcare decisions if you can no longer make these decisions. This Judge can also determine what happens with your estate if you do not have a trust and a Probate is needed. This is where everything will go to the “heirs of laws”, which may not be your wishes.

Why Do I Need a Revocable Living Trust?

We recommend that you seek the advice of our experienced Trust Attorney to set up a will and/or trust that will protect your Estate both during your lifetime and in the event of your death.

You may ask, “Why should I have a Living Trust?” People ask this because they may have a will, or have titled their property in Joint Tenancy, or perhaps they simply are reluctant to contemplate their incapacity or death. There are several reasons why a Revocable Living Trust is beneficial to YOU and your Estate Planning.

The cornerstone of any effective estate plan is a Revocable Living Trust as it does the following:

  • Avoids the need for the intrusive court probate process, along with its high fees and time delays in settling the Estate through the Probate process.
  • It provides an efficient way of distributing your assets upon your death as you wish.
  • If you become incapacitated, it can provide a way of avoiding a court-ordered Conservatorship and decide who may oversee your body and money.
  • Most of all, it legally documents your wishes in case of your incapacity or death.
  • It helps explain all aspects of your family and your final wishes.
  • It can help avoid a potential crisis or family problem when you are no longer able to make your own decisions but are still alive and need care.


California Living Trust Documents-Why Do You Need Them?

Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorney Forms, Health Directives all give directions to be followed upon your incapacity or death. They answer questions like:

  • What happens if you are incapacitated and unable to make decisions about your body or finances?
  • Who will make medical decisions for you?
  • Who will take over your personal financial affairs?
  • Who will be the guardian of minor children?
  • When you die, what will happen to your property and other assets?
  • Who will inherit your estate?
  • How much will each beneficiary inherit?
  • Are there specific gifts to be given to specific people?

Trust Attorney, Joe McHugh and his staff are ready to be a part of the complete solution to your family’s crisis, not just the lawyers that create the legal documents.

We understand the issues surrounding the care of families and what it takes legally to meet your needs and goals, while giving your family the peace of mind that your loved ones are getting the best care possible in a complex and confusing situation.

After a thorough review of the best strategies for your family and estate situation and our fees for the scope of work, we will structure a comprehensive plan created specifically to give you (or your loved one) the best documents possible, while planning in case things change and you need help or are gone. We put your real estate in the trust via grant deed transfer through the county recorder’s office.

Our Law Firm is centrally located in Burbank (Southern California) and welcome clients to finalize the documents in our office (On Olive av. near Buena Vista St.) ; however, our Trust Lawyer, Joe McHugh and his wife Kathy McHugh, Legal Triage Director serve many clients throughout California using Zoom, emails, and FedEx to accomplish the setup of each trust.

We are very proud of the many personal and professional referrals and internet ratings we receive from happy clients and colleagues. Please contact our office today to schedule a free phone consultation.

Call for a phone consultation: (818) 241-4238. Or you can submit this form to request a consultation.